3 Reasons to Choose a Sod Installation Service in Ashburn, VA

by | Jun 19, 2018 | Landscaping

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Looking out the window and seeing beautiful green grass can be an amazing experience. Having others offer compliments about the yard can be exciting. But none of these things happen without the investment of time and money. While some homeowners believe they can take on the task of sod installation on their own, others look to local companies to bear the burden of getting everything right. If you’re on the fence about setting an appointment for a Sod Installation Service in Ashburn VA, there are several things to keep in mind.

Grading the Area

Sod installation isn’t as easy as laying some grass on top of the existing dirt and soil in the back. Instead, there are several things that need to be done to the area to prepare it. One of the most important is grading the area. If this part of the yard isn’t graded correctly, water could pool in certain areas, ruining grass in other areas and making for an unfinished look. Most people think it is enough to eyeball it and see that things look even. But it’s important to protect the investment of sod by making sure this is handled correctly.

Tilling the Area

In addition to the grading, it’s also important that the soil where the sod is going to be placed is tilled. If it isn’t the grass could have a difficult time establishing itself in the area, and its growth could be hindered. Once again, this isn’t as easy as it may sound. It’s important that enough of the ground is broken up and that the right equipment is used to create the best results.

Creating a Uniform Appearance

A Sod Installation Service in Ashburn VA understands just how important it is to have the grass look great. Homeowners that don’t know what they are doing often try to lay the sod out in rows without any thought to how it is eventually going to look. Professional installers know what it takes to get the job done right the first time.

Before jumping into an installation, Get more information about the professionals in your area. For many homeowners, it’s well worth the additional expense to have the job done right. The grass will look better, and results will last longer when a local company with experience takes on the task.

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