Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment in Voorhees, NJ Is a Welcome Therapy

by | Apr 7, 2017 | Chiropractic

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Also known by the acronym of CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex disorder that is defined by excessive tiredness – tiredness that is not related to an underlying medical condition. The fatigue often worsens with mental or physical activity and does not go away with rest.

An Unexplained Condition

This unexplained condition also goes by the name of myalgic encephalomyelitis, or ME. When chronic fatigue syndrome treatment in Voorhees, NJ is undertaken then, various methods may be used. Alternative medicine such as chiropractic care is frequently used to relieve CFS pain as well. In order for the therapy to work, however, you need to consult with a specialist and fully explain your difficulties.

Conditions that Mimic CFS

So, if you require chronic fatigue syndrome treatment, explore all your options. You need to do so because no one medicine can treat all the related symptoms of CFS. Also, you need to be aware that some conditions replicate CFS. These conditions may include Lyme disease, lupus, mononucleosis, hypothyroidism, and fibromyalgia. Some people, who have major depressive disorder may also mistake their illness for CFS.

Rule Out Other Possible Conditions

So, before you undergo any chronic fatigue syndrome treatment, it is important to rule out any other possible causes for your tiredness. Patients often experience CFS if they have trouble sleeping or are considered extremely obese.

Avoid Stress

As there is no cure at this time for CFS, a number of options are available for treatment. Lifestyle changes can help reduce CFS symptoms, as can limiting your intake of caffeine. In addition, you need to be careful about overexerting yourself, as you will only make the condition worse. Avoiding stress is also important if you want to feel better and less fatigued.

To learn more about CFS and how it can be treated, visit us. By taking the time to review the site, you can make further contact with specialists who can assist you in working out a plan for therapy.

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