Do You Really Need Career Development Advice in Philadelphia, PA?

by | Feb 8, 2016 | Career and Education

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Some people really do need Career Development Advice in Philadelphia PA. There are many ways that people might be sabotaging their careers without even knowing it. Some individuals make the mistake of thinking that just having a great resume is enough to get them hired. When people have a lot of skills and experience, they tend to think employers will be fighting each other to hire them. What some people don’t realize is that networking can be more important than having a great resume. A lot of job positions are never publicly posted.

When people get Career Development Advice in Philadelphia PA, from Career Directions or similar entities, they get much-needed guidance. Job seekers can spend a tremendous amount of energy doing the wrong things. Some job seekers can spend six months or longer looking for positions in their chosen career paths. Unfortunately, some people end up taking positions that don’t have anything to do with their careers. When job seekers get career advice, they learn how to network with people who can help them. They can build important connections that can last a lifetime. Individuals can also get help with conducting job searches.

Resume writing is a skill that some people think they are good at, but they usually aren’t. Job seekers who are serious should always have professional resume writers go over their resumes. They can also get help with writing cover letters. If a cover letter isn’t that great, the resume attached to it might not even be read. Job seekers have to remember that it’s all about first impressions. Resumes and cover letters are things that potential employers will see before they even think about interviewing a person. People have less than 10 seconds to make a positive impression.

There are also people who might not be happy with their chosen careers. When people aren’t happy, they should make the appropriate changes. If that means changing careers, so be it. But, changing careers can be confusing. Fortunately, career services can help with people who want to make transitions to new careers. Getting professional help can help build the confidence that people need to make changes in their lives.

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