How Do Professional Arborists Ensure Safe Tree Removal in Westport, Connecticut?

by | Jul 19, 2018 | Landscaping

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Tree Removal in Westport, Connecticut can be a very dangerous job even for those who have ample training, experience, and safety equipment. That’s why it’s always best for property owners to hire a professional instead of attempting to remove trees themselves. Property owners can read on to find out about how professional arborists ensure the safety of their contractors while removing unwanted trees.

De-Energizing Power Lines

Tree removal experts assume, as a general rule, that any nearby power lines are energized. That’s why they will always call utility companies in advance to have wires de-energized or grounded before beginning the process of removing the tree.

Understanding Weather Conditions

The right weather conditions are essential for safe Tree Removal in Westport Connecticut. If there is a storm heading in or excessive wind expected, arborists will usually reschedule the removal for a better day. This helps to decrease the risks.

Estimating Felling Zones

Professional arborists know how much space must be available to accommodate the tree as it falls. They will establish a felling zone in advance and use wedges and ropes to guide the tree to where it can fall safely without endangering people, nearby structures, and other trees.

Proper Safety Gear

Tree removal contractors are required to use a variety of protective strategies to avoid personal injury. These include helmets and face shields to defend against falling debris, heavy work gloves to protect the hands from cuts and bruises, goggles or safety glasses, protective earmuffs or earplugs, work boots, and chainsaw protective clothing. In addition to ensuring that their employees have adequate safety gear, tree companies like Northeast Horticultural Services will also carry workers compensation insurance to cover workers if something goes wrong.

Adequate Preparation

While the steps described above apply largely to the professionals responsible for removing a tree, there are some precautions property owners themselves can take to ensure a safe and smooth removal. They should remove any personal items from the area immediately surrounding the tree to be removed and ensure the company’s contractors have adequate parking a sufficient distance away from the tree to be felled. Readers looking for a tree removal expert can browse the website for additional information.

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