How Insights Discovery Training Can Help Teams and Individuals in the Workplace

by | Feb 20, 2015 | Computer & Internet

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Insights discovery training can help you in a number of ways. It can help with team building, selecting and bringing on new hires, improving underperforming team members and teams, and it can help you with your own quest for continuous improvement. Here are a few of the areas as well as ways to leverage insights discovery training elements:

Team Building

When members of a team better understand every member within their team, cohesion improves. Knowing what the strengths of team members are, knowing where they may get easily frustrated, figuring how to motivate and empower, learning how to coach and communicate… all of these areas can help team leaders as well as team members. It’s common for teams who go on an insights discovery training session for team building to begin to operate in a completely different and more streamlined way.

Managing Others

When you know what motivates, what fuels, what frustrates others it can help you be a better manager. Many companies use insights discovery training to gain valuable insight about their individual employees. Knowing what someone’s personality type can help you figure out where they fit in your organization. This can help you determine the best course of action to boost their performance as well as to reward them for a job well done.

Continuous Improvement for Yourself

Do you know how to talk to team members? Are you aware of personality factors in clients and colleagues that can help you design sales pitches and / or negotiations accordingly? Do you know what your own blind spots or triggers to stress and frustration are? Gaining insights about yourself as well as applying that knowledge to the people around you can help you improve on weaknesses and can help you seek out the right environment in your career.

Hiring the Right People

What sort of an individual is your team missing? A well-rounded team can not only boost your ability to achieve and exceed goals but it can also motivate and bring out the best in every person who is already in that team. Considering insights discovery training elements when putting teams together, when designing office floor plans, and when writing job descriptions out for new hires can make a big difference in the ability to put the right people in place for a team. Many companies now leverage discovery profile questionnaires as part of their hiring process and leverage this type of tool in resume screening and interviewing processes.

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