Infrared Scanning Is Used to Assess the Condition of Roofing Materials in Topeka, KS

by | Apr 25, 2017 | Roofing

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One of the popular innovations used in the roofing field today is infrared scanning. This type of inspection is helpful as it can be used to detect moisture levels in flat roofs. As it can be quite expensive to fix a damaged roof, this type of measurement is welcomed by building owners or commercial property firms.

How Damaged Is Your Roof?

If you are concerned about the condition of your roofing materials in Topeka, KS, this technological check will prove to be helpful. While infrared scanning can be performed at any time, it is usually requested when a property is sold, leased, or purchased.

When infrared scanning is used to inspect commercial roofing materials, a building owner can obtain information needed to develop an efficient roof maintenance program. In addition, the inspection results can be used for making management decisions about roof resurfacing, repairs, or replacement.

Roof Problems Can Lead to Energy Issues

Indeed, water can be a problem if it is not checked, as it can enter a roof in one of a number of areas. These areas may be deteriorated, torn, or poorly sealed. In turn, the insulation usually catches the excess moisture. As a result, a building experiences a higher loss of energy as the R-value for insulation is reduced.

Therefore, an infrared inspection is the ideal way to locate trapped moisture in roofing materials. By marking the specific areas of damage, the required repairs can be made. Often, it is not necessary to replace the entire roof when an inspection is done, which also leads to cost savings for a company.

In order to perform this type of inspection, a high-resolution infrared imaging camera is employed. If you are seeking information about your roof’s current condition, visit the website platforms that offer infrared scanning details. Knowing how the process works beforehand will assist you in choosing only those maintenance services that need to be done for your roof.

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