Is Love Your Latest Addiction?

by | May 19, 2016 | Healthcare Services

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When people think of addiction, they normally relate it to drugs, alcohol, porn, and sometimes even sex. There is another type of addiction that affects many people, and can be just as serious. It’s the addiction to love. While this may not seem like it is a serious addiction, this type of addiction can be just as paralyzing in other ways that can affect your life. Love addiction itself is the condition of compulsive patterns of behavior in relation to romance, relationships, and sexuality. The longer this type of addiction goes untreated, the more serious and harmful the consequences can be for everyone involved. Damages can include problems with your job or career, health issues, marital problems, and child custody problems.

The Signs of Love Addiction

There are a signs of love addiction that may not be completely known. They can include the need to be in a relationship, jumping from one relationship to another frequently without closure, losing oneself in a relationship, and being in relationships that are full of problems. This type of addiction can take many forms and so can the treatment.

There Is Help with Love Addiction Treatment

Since love addiction is considered to be an obsessive, compulsive behavior the treatment for it resembles those used for other compulsive behaviors. Love addiction tends to stem from insecure attachments early in life with parents. Contributing factors can include abandonment, neglect, rejection, and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. All of those factors can result in a pattern of insecure attachment as an adult. There could also be another component, a chemical component in the brain. Levels of Oxytocin and phyenylethylamine create a euphoria that is experienced when falling in love. A love addict can become addicted to the psychological and physical arousals triggered when those chemicals are released. This causes an addict to want to continuously seek new relationships so they can experience those feelings all over again. Essentially it builds insecure relationships without any boundaries or bonds. Relationships can end up being sabotaged due to fear of rejection and ‘getting too close’. Other love addicts tend to stay in unhealthy relationships because they fear being alone.

Love Addiction Treatments Can Help

Once a love addict seeks treatment they can begin the process of learning to love in a healthy manner. This can include counseling and therapy that is designed to restore their lives. Negative behaviors can be identified so the precise treatment can be given. This can include boot camp, group therapy, and one-on-one therapy.

Blue Tiger Recovery offers comprehensive love addiction treatment so you can stop suffering. Contact them to discuss your situation and schedule a meeting with them today.

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