Is there a “best” way to learn to speak English?

by | Sep 19, 2014 | Education

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As everyone has a tendency to learn differently and at different rates there may be no one perfect way to teach and learn a new language. Although this may be the case there are methods that seem to be more effective, hence, focusing on them in an educational environment are more likely than not to help the student succeed. To teach English in South Korea, total immersion, conventional classroom teaching and self-study appear to be among the best methods.

Many people who teach English in South Korea will agree that nothing beats total immersion as a way to learn a foreign language. Although this method may work best when the student resides in a country that speaks English as a national language, it can still be beneficial for those who wish to remain in their mother country.

When English is taught to students in a foreign country immersion is never really possible as once the student is outside of the classroom environment there is a tendency to use the mother tongue rather than English. There is also not the same opportunity for the foreign student to become one with the culture of an English speaking country.

Perhaps the most effective way then to teach English in South Korea is through enrollment in a conventional class, those that place emphasis on learning English and provide lessons on a more frequent basis are by far the best. Most schools and universities, both public and private offer English language programs all of which are open to students, some are even open to other members of the community. There also are many opportunities for students to engage a private tutor; in many cases the tutor will have English as the mother tongue. A private tutor asks more of the student outside of the classroom environment but it does provide the opportunity of supplementing the class and having an opportunity to interact with a native speaker. A native English speaker can really expand the student’s vocabulary as he or she can effectively teach the student the proper use of words and idioms.

Although it does pose barriers too many people who wish to learn English, it is possible to learn through self-teaching methods. There are a wide variety of books, tapes and other material available from local bookstores as well as from online stores. The truth is however, without a real instructor to teach English in South Korea these materials will never be as good as a structured program.

If you are a citizen of a country where the native language is English and wish to teach English in South Korea, then as long as you meet certain criteria you can. Start your English teaching career by contacting ESL Job Link.

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