Questions to Ask Your Roofer in Des Moines

by | Aug 16, 2017 | Roofing

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If you are looking to repair your roof or completely remodel it, you need to hire a good roofer who can help you with such a big job. Before you hire this roofing expert, you should ask a few questions. The questions that you ask are very important because they will help you determine how to move forward with your roofing project.

Repair or Replace?

The first question that you should ask a roofer in Des Moines is whether you should repair your roof or replace it. If you want to replace it for aesthetic reasons, then the answer is already made for you. However, if you are looking to repair a damaged roof, it might be easier just to patch up the damaged parts than to fully replace the roof. A repair will likely save you some money over a replacement in the immediate but it won’t last as long. For example, an asphalt shingle roof tends to last about ten years. If you repair a ten-year-old shingle roof, the repairs might last another decade but the old shingles will need to be replaced soon anyway.

A Des Moines roofer will be able to give you an accurate assessment of how long your existing roof will last. You should also look for an estimate for how much it will cost to repair or replace.

Which Material?

You will have a lot of options for roofing materials. You should ask your roofer which material is right for you. As stated, asphalt shingles will last you about a decade and will likely be the most affordable choice. A metal roof will cost you slightly more but it will last for decades. Slate is popular; it lasts for a very long time but is a little more susceptible to blunt force damage during storms.

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