Symptoms and Risk Factors for Head and Neck Cancer in Bethlehem, PA

by | Nov 21, 2017 | Conditions and Diseases

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Head and neck cancers often start in the mucosal surfaces of the neck and head. While the most common areas to show signs of Head And Neck Cancer in Bethlehem PA are the mouth, nose, and throat, these cancers can also begin in a patient’s salivary glands. Catching these cancers early is essential to providing adequate treatment, so it’s a good idea for patients to keep an eye out for the following symptoms of head and neck cancer.

Oral Cavity Symptoms

Look for unusually colored patches on the lining of the mouth, tongue, and gums. These patches are sometimes accompanied by unusual bleeding or pain, and a swelling of the jaw.

Pharynx and Larynx Symptoms

Symptoms of head and neck cancer that affects the pharynx include pain with swallowing or persistent pain in the throat or neck that does not go away, trouble speaking and breathing, frequent headaches, trouble hearing, and pain or ringing in the ears. Cancers that begin in the larynx can also cause ear pain and pain when swallowing.

Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity Symptoms

Chronic sinus infections that don’t respond to antibiotic treatments are one of the most common symptoms of cancer in these areas. Other symptoms include nosebleeds, frequent headaches, pain in the upper teeth and issues with dentures, and swelling in the eyes.

Salivary Gland Cancer

The cancers that begin in the salivary gland are slightly different from other forms of Head And Neck Cancer in Bethlehem PA in that they are not usually squamous cell cancers. Symptoms are also slightly different. They include swelling around the jawbone or under the chin, persistent pain in the neck, chin, or face, and numbness or paralysis of facial muscles.

Reducing Risk

While some risk factors for developing head and neck cancers are genetic, others are environmental, making them avoidable. Occupational risk factors include exposure to radiation, wood dust, asbestos, synthetic fibers, nickel dust, and formaldehyde. Lifestyle risk factors include using tobacco products or betel quid, eating preserved or salted foods during childhood, and poor oral health.

Get Help Today

Many of the symptoms listed above can also be caused by less serious conditions, but that shouldn’t be taken as an excuse not to seek medical help immediately. Anyone who believes he or she might be developing a head or neck cancer can go to for information about one local specialist that can help.

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