Tips on Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning

by | Aug 22, 2017 | Automotive

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If you have a commercial vehicle in Texas with a diesel engine, you have to deal with a device called a DPF or diesel particulate filter. This is an important part of your truck’s exhaust system, and you must occasionally go through a diesel particulate filter cleaning process. If not, your engine’s performance could suffer. Here are some useful DPF info and some helpful tips for self-cleaning.

What is a DPF?

As diesel engines burn fuel, they also create soot. This happens because they don’t burn 100 percent of the fuel and it can place a lot of soot in the atmosphere. A DPF is part of the exhaust system and gets hot enough to burn off most of the soot in the exhaust. This creates cleaner exhaust, and the DPF will get full of soot and particles eventually. That’s why it needs a thorough diesel particulate filter cleaning. When you clean it regularly, it will last longer, and you’ll enjoy better fuel economy on the Texas roads.

Filter Removal

Be careful when removing the filter and always work on a cold engine. This keeps you from burning your hands. Put all the parts and screws in a small box or magnetic pan.


Check the DPF to see how dirty it looks. Does it look like it’s full of soot? If so, you’ll need to take your time and do a good diesel particulate filter cleaning.


Some people have good luck by blowing compressed air through the DPF. It’s a good idea to use a respirator if you choose this method. Chemical cleaners may do a better job, and you might want to soak the filter and then blow it out.

To make sure you have a clean filter, take it to your Texas commercial truck shop. They have all the equipment and can save you a lot of time and headaches.

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