Troubleshooting Tips For Rolling Door Repair in Phoenix AZ

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Garage Doors

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While rolling doors are very convenient in a factory or shop setting, they are also prone to suffering from an array of foibles that can render them unable to operate properly. However, this is to be expected and is certainly not the end of the world. As long as one knows going in that there may be moments of malfunctioning, they can be prepared for Rolling Door Repair in Phoenix AZ when trouble comes. Here are some troubleshooting tips on how to fix some of the most widely reported issues a steel rolling door may face.

Brackets & Barrel Are Not Perpendicular

• This is caused by the wall angle flange not being square.

• The solution is to make sure the bracket is braced into position and square it properly.

End Brackets Do Not Align Properly With The Hood Bends

• This is caused by the hood size being incorrect.

• The solution is to remeasure the parts supplied and call the manufacturer or Website if incorrect parts were sent.

Electrical Interlocks Are Not Operating

• This is caused by an incorrect lineup between the magnet on the lock bolt and the proximity switch on the guide.

• The solution to Rolling Door Repair in Phoenix AZ, in this case, is to adjust the proximity switch to a new position on the guide

The Lock Are Not Operating

• This could be one of two problems, either there are internal components which are damaged or the cylinder’s key slot is not in a horizontal position.

• If there are damaged components, the locking mechanism will need to be replaced.

• If the key slot is the issue, the cylinder will need to be re-positioned, and the small screws will need to be firmly fastened to the bottom bar.

The Curtain Slats Are Separating

• This in an indication that there was damage which occurred while in freight. A new curtain will need to be ordered.

By following these simple troubleshooting tips, the steel rolling door should never be out of commission for very long. If a problem is faced which cannot be fixed in-house, it is always best to call upon the professionals. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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