What Happens During a Honey Bee Removal in Pittsburgh?

by | May 24, 2017 | Pest Control

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Homeowners will often see a bee or two in their garden or around there house, and there’s usually nothing to worry about. These bees are vital to the environment as they help spread pollen so plants can reproduce and grow. However, if a homeowner notices a huge number of bees near their home or hears a buzzing sound in a certain part of their home or yard, they might have honey bees living near or even in their home. They’ll want to deal with this by contacting a professional for Honey Bee Removal in Pittsburgh.

Because honey bees are vital to the environment and their numbers are dwindling, it’s important to consider having them removed instead of killed. If they are removed, they can continue to help the environment, just not from inside the home. They will typically be removed far away, in some cases to a bee farm. The first step for the professional will be to determine where they’re located on the property and how large the hive is. Then, they’ll form a plan to remove the entire hive and for where they’ll take the hive once it’s removed.

If the hive is inside of the walls of a home, the professional will need to make an opening to get to the hive. If it’s somewhere more accessible, it’s easier for the professional to get to them and there will be fewer repairs needed after they’re removed. The professional will remove the entire hive, which includes the bees and the queen bee, as well as the honey. This can leave a residue, however, and will need to be cleaned thoroughly. Once the bees are removed, the area can be repaired if necessary. If the bees were inside the wall to a home, for example, the inside of the walls may need to be repaired, and then the wall that was opened to remove the bees will need to be fixed.

If you’ve noticed a large number of bees near your home, have heard loud buzzing from a possible hive, or you’ve noticed a hive, you might want to contact a professional for Honey Bee Removal in Pittsburgh now. Take the time to visit the website for The-Beeman to learn more about how they can help you.

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