What is a Luxury Pet Hotel?

by | Sep 12, 2017 | Pet Care

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Pet hotels are a step up from the old fashioned kennels that people used to have to use when they went out of town. Now, you don’t have to leave your dog in a depressing kennel. The options for pet hotels have expanded to where you receive a higher quality of room and board options with a well-trained and dedicated staff at reasonable prices. Luxury pet hotels offer additional services, features, and facilities that ensure the comfort, health, safety, and happiness of all canine guests.

Some of the services offered by luxury pet hotels like K9 Resorts include different tiers of rooms with options for multiple dogs in the same family to board together. Smaller dogs can save money by opting for cage-style rooms, which still boast luxury features as well as having access to all the indoor and outdoor play areas and healthy food.

However, larger dogs may enjoy executive suites and luxury suites that are furnished with soft bedding. Luxury suites in pet hotels are cage-free and therefore quiet, which is ideal for dogs who are easily stressed out by loud noises and too much sensory stimulation. A pet hotel is designed so that the services are personalized for each guest. Dogs who are more active and sociable will be able to play as much as they want, interacting both with other dogs and people.

The facilities at luxury pet hotels are immaculate, cleaned and sterilized regularly, and monitored for problems ranging from fleas and ticks to sudden acts of aggression by other dogs. Dogs who stay at pet hotels also have access to regular bathing and grooming services, which are sometimes included in long stay packages. Families with multiple dogs rooming together can also receive special discounts at some pet hotels like K9 Resorts. No matter what their age, size, or temperament, dogs enjoy staying at pet hotels because they feel loved and cared for, just like they are at home.

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