What Is Ductless Air Conditioning in Vineland, NJ?

by | Feb 12, 2018 | Air Conditioning and Heating

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If you have a central HVAC system in your home, you have one unit that handles all of your heating and cooling as well as ventilation. It is likely mounted somewhere on your roof, in your backyard, or in the attic. Typically, these work on ducts and are the most familiar type of HVAC system. They cool air during the summer and warm air during the winter; the conditioned air is then blown through the different ducts around your house. Typically, it is set to one temperature and blown equally. If you do not have a central air conditioning unit at the moment or if you just want to move to something else, you should consider ductless.

How Is it Ductless?

Instead of a single unit, most ductless units are actually a split AC system. The split system is very popular for air conditioning in Vineland, NJ. The outdoor unit compresses and cools the refrigerant. An indoor unit blows cool air into the home. The two units are connected by refrigerant lines so that they can cycle the refrigerant and continue cooling. These systems can be ductless because many of them are able to handle multiple indoor units with just one outdoor unit. Therefore, you could have an outdoor unit sending coolant to up to four indoor units.

You could have a thermostat in every room. If that interests you, you should check out website domain for split AC systems.

The Benefits

The benefits of a split air conditioning system are the ease of installation and the amount of control you have. Since there is no ductwork necessary, they are much easier to install than many types of central units. Furthermore, you’ll have control of each individual unit. You can save money by only cooling down rooms where people are. Your energy bill could be dramatically lower fairly quickly.

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