Your Family Dentist in Loveland CO Offers Sedation Dentistry to Relieve Dental Anxiety

by | Jan 17, 2017 | Dentistry

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Many people put off needed dental treatment because they become extremely anxious about going to the dentist. There are many possible reasons for these feelings, including a prior bad experience. Finding the right family dentist in Charleston SC and using various psychological approaches such as listening to music can certainly help. Sedation Dentistry Charleston SC is an option for relieving dental anxiety.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is not mandated for use during particular procedures, but to help relieve excessive anxiety. People react differently. Some don’t want to be sedated at all, while others prefer sedation for certain procedures.

There are four sedation levels that can be used to help patients relax.

* Minimal: Patients are awake, but feel relaxed. Nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” wears off quickly.

* Moderate: Also known as “conscious sedation” – patients remember little of the procedure and may slur words if speaking. A pill is taken up to an hour before the procedure that causes drowsiness.

* Moderate to Deep: Patients are barely conscious, but can be wakened if needed. IV sedation allows the dentist to adjust the sedation level.

* General anesthesia: Patients are completely unconscious.

Is Sedation Safe for Children?

At times, a child will need a long, complex dental procedure and the dentist may recommend sedation. Parents are understandably concerned as to the safety of sedation for their child. Sedation is normally very safe. Parents can greatly assist in reducing any possible risks to their child before, during and after dental treatment.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that parents help prepare their child for the procedure. It’s very important that food and drink be restricted per the dentist’s guidelines for safety reasons. Having the child wear loose-fitting clothing is also helpful. The dentist will need the child’s full medical history and a list of any medications or supplements being taken.

At the dentist’s office, be encouraging and help the child to relax. Bring a favorite stuffed animal or other item that will comfort the child. If at all possible, don’t bring other children so that the patient receives your full attention.

Tatum Dentistry uses the latest technology to treat the entire family in a warm, caring environment.

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