Best Transportation Ideas to get to Work

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Transportation and Logistics

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When you need transportation to work it is not always easy to afford a car. Cars are expensive as they require insurance, gas and upkeep on top of the monthly payments you will have to make. Here are some options to help you when you need transportation to work:

*Outside Public Transit: If you live in an area that is outside public transit but need to get to a spot within public transit you can opt to car pool or drive to the station closest to you. This way you get the best of both worlds with reliable transportation to and from work.

*Car or Van Pool: Many people do not realize they have a car or van pool option when they need transportation to work. This allows them to join a group of six to 15 people traveling to and from the same areas. This provides an excellent option as it allows them to travel along major highway routes for rapid transit but without facing traffic. Van and car pools are allowed to use the HOV lanes for a more direct route. You can speak to your local transit company or authority to find what pools are available. They will have Ridematch programs to help you find a group in your area.

*Bus Routes: Check out the bus routes in your area and see if you can get to work easily. There are so many routes with well scheduled options that you may be surprised at how quickly you can get to work. It is also a tax free option making it far more affordable than any other options available.

*Work Options: You might not have been interested in transportation options available through your work before, but when you need transportation to work you should investigate what is available to you. Many companies offer deals for their staff for public transportation passes and some may pay in full. They may also offer car pools for staff that live in the same areas. Look into what is available so you can weigh out all of your options and choose the one that will work best for your needs.

You will be able to find many options when you need transportation to work. It is just a matter of choosing the one that will work best for you.

Dart can offer you information when you need transportation to work. You can either visit them online at or call them at for further assistance.


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