Common Problems Fixed By a Foot Surgeon In Joliet

by | Oct 19, 2020 | Health

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While some problems in the feet can be corrected by exercise, diet and over-the-counter medicine, some may require the help of a foot surgeon in Joliet. While it may seem scary to consider surgery, it may be the best option to remove the problem and lead a normal life again. Some problems include bunions, arthritis, hammer toes, corns, bumps or lumps, Achilles tendon problems, bone spurs, neuromas, and Plantar Fasciitis.


A bunion is an enlargement on the joint of the big toe. In most cases, the bones of the feet are more prominent than it should be and over time, it can grow even larger, making it difficult to wear shoes and walk. Sometimes non-surgical options can be used to reduce pain and help with the bunion, but most people require surgery to remove the bony prominence.


There are two forms of arthritis that can occur, including big toe joint arthritis and arch joint arthritis. In many cases, this arthritis causes severe damage to the joints over time, requiring surgery. Most people never realize they have a problem until the damage is very advanced. However, a podiatrist can help you determine if you may have these problems before they become so advanced.


A corn is typically a bone abnormality and can occur almost anywhere on the feet. When a surgeon in Joliet is required, it is typically because the corn is on the bottom, making it painful or impossible to walk until the corn has been removed.

Hammer Toes

Hammer toes typically happen in the lesser toes of the feet and are caused by joint or tendon imbalances. In most cases, these problems are extremely painful and can be embarrassing, as well. Surgeons can correct the deformity and it usually only takes a few hours. This procedure usually permanently cures the problem and isn’t usually needed again.

Bone Spurs

It is important to understand that your feet keep growing, so bone spurs are quite common. When your feet grow and then stop, sometimes the bones continue growing, which can cause pain or limited movement. They usually develop at the edge of tendons, ligaments, and joints.


Any lump or bump on the feet may require surgery at some point, especially if it stops you from walking or moving as you normally would. For more information Suburban Foot & Ankle Associates.

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