Furnace Repair in Minnetonka, MN

by | Mar 24, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Minnesota is a northern state that borders Canada. In February 1996 the state experienced a record low of −60 degrees Fahrenheit which is a good reason to make sure that your furnace is working properly. Snow and blizzards are common so that makes two more good reasons to have your furnace checked regularly. If you need furnace repair in Minnetonka, MN, a good company to call is Sabre Heating, Plumbing and Air Conditioning. They are well known for delivering knowledgeable and skilled service throughout the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro areas.

To avoid costly furnace repair in Minnetonka, it is wise to sign up for the Sabre Blue membership program to maintain your equipment. One of the benefits of membership makes you a priority over other callers who are not members. You also receive a ten percent discount off all service calls. Additionally, you will not be charged emergency service fees regardless of the time of day or night. Every fall you furnace will get a full check-up and tune-up if needed, and every spring your air conditioning system gets a check-up and tune-up too. Plus you get a yearly plumbing inspection. Finally, a qualified technician will assess your systems for safe operating conditions. You will receive a detailed analysis of the inspection with recommendations for any areas of concern.

If your furnace decides to shut down on a freezing winter night, you want the HVAC company that you call to get there as quickly as possible. Any heating business worth their salt will have a 24 hour emergency service for getting you warm and toasty again. The professional technicians can service all brands of heating and air conditioning equipment. They can also install any new equipment you may need. They are masters at fixing you up with the highest energy efficiency equipment available. You can also receive perfect humidity control, hybrid heat technology, air purifying systems, and options for a digital thermostat. This allows you to have total control of the environment in your home.

You may also desire to have a radiant heating system installed in your home. Radiant heating delivers the heat directly to your floor or to the walls or ceilings of your home. Compared to baseboard heating it is more efficient. Forced air systems can stir up allergens, so folks with allergies prefer a radiant heating system.

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