How an Emergency Locksmith in Oak Lawn IL gets Access to a Locked Car

by | Jul 14, 2014 | Locksmith

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There is nothing that is more inconveniencing than making the mistake of locking oneself out of the car. When this happens when one is on their way to work or to an important business meeting, it can really ruin the day. However, if you have the contacts of reliable Emergency Locksmith in Oak Lawn IL, it is possible to regain access to the vehicle as soon as possible. Here are a few ways in which an emergency locksmith regains access to a locked car.

Using the Slim Jim
This is one of the most common tools that are used by locksmiths in dealing with locked car doors. This is a long and thin strip of metal that is about 0.8 to 1.75 inches in width. There are different types available for different car models. What the locksmith does is that he inserts the Slim Jim between the weather stripping and the window to the passenger door. The rod is then used to grab and manipulate the lock rod until it flips over and unlocks the car. An experienced locksmith will take less than ten minutes to accomplish this.

The wire hanger
This is a piece of wire that is used in a manner that is similar to that of the Slim Jim. It is also inserted between the weather stripping and the window on the passenger door side. The wire hanger technique needs the expertise of a well seasoned locksmith. This is because locating the pin can be very difficult and even frustrating.

Use of the wedge technique
This method was invented as a result of the unreliability of the Slim Jima and the wire hanger. The method involves the use of a plastic wedge. The small edge is inserted in the part of the car where the door and the body of the car meet. This makes an opening where the bigger wedge will be inserted. A wire is then used to locate the trigger lock in the car and manipulate it in a way that unlocks the car lock button.

These are just a few of the techniques that Keyway Lock and Security of Oak Lawn IL, one of the best Emergency Locksmith in Oak Lawn IL use to regain access to a locked car. For details about these services, go to

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