Social Security Lawyer in Grand Haven: How to Appeal Denied Claims

by | Jan 29, 2014 | Legal Services

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Options are available for people who applied for Social Security benefits and were denied. A percentage of denials are reversed with appeals. People who need to be approved for benefits should contact a Social Security Lawyer in Grand Haven to find out their rights before going through the appeals process.

People who do not qualify for benefits should not waste their time filing a claim. On the other hand, the Social Security Office has made a few errors in the past or been too strict with their approval process. For example, they may make strict judgments about your condition not being severe enough to prevent you from working. The appeal allows for correcting this error and persuading the courts or Social Security office to look at your case differently.

The office notifies applicants with a written letter when they are denied receipt of benefits. The written notice usually includes an appeal form that gives applicants 65 days to appeal the decision. If you want to appeal, you should have a Social Security Lawyer review your case before completing the appeal form. The appeal form is a little more complicated than restating the previous information about why you should be approved. It should be used to present one or two new pieces of evidence to better explain and support your case.

The appeal form is easy to fill out and asks basic information, such as Social Security number and name. It also asks applicants to specify the reason for applying for benefits. If you are applying for benefits because of having back problems and needing surgery, you can submit medical records and a letter from your employer about your ability to work with the condition. All of the forms for the appeals process are available on the agency’s website.

Many people apply for benefits when needing to retire early because of an injury or developing a serious condition. You have to put yourself in the place of the person who denied the application and determine why he made that decision. If you want better results the second go around, an outside authority provides the most convincing evidence. There can advise clients on their rights and the next steps to take in the process.
For more info, visit here

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