Overcome Substance Abuse with Residential Treatment

by | Oct 5, 2015 | Health Care

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According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, 23.5 million Americans struggle with drug abuse and of that figure, less than 12 percent seek out the specialty treatment that they need at a residential treatment facility. There are many treatment facilities around the country, but very few are able to provide the focused and tailored approach that Los Angeles residential treatment facilities are able to offer. If you or a loved one is currently struggling with a drug addiction, below are a few of the main advantages of choosing a Los Angeles residential treatment facility.

The Clinicians and Staff Members are Certified

Not all states require all employees of treatment facilities to be licensed and certified. Facilities in California, on the other hand, require that clinicians and staff members be certified and licensed in order to provide care.

All clinicians and staff members undergo the required form of Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate Program, which enables them to provide care and support to individuals who are plagued with substance abuse problems. These types of programs ensure that clinic professionals are able to address behavioral changes, motivation levels, and maintenance of sobriety.

A Myriad of Programs are Available for Your Specific Needs

When it comes to substance abuse and addiction, every individual is grappling with their own set of circumstances and successful treatment often depends upon providing tailored and personalized care. Residential treatment facilities also work to incorporate both individual counseling and group treatment programs that enforce what is learned during individual counseling. In addition, each individual is likely to undergo their own form of a 12-step counseling method.

Some facilities also help enhance the patient’s experience for better results by implementing complementary therapy sessions in areas such as mediation, music, and art. By switching the focus from addiction and substance abuse and inspiring other areas of focus, patients are able to overcome their personal battle with addiction.

Choosing the Right Residential Treatment Facility

While there are many residential treatment facilities available, very few offer the kind of individual and tailored support and high patient care standards that are necessary for optimal treatment. Look for professionals that are highly experienced and have attained their necessary licenses and certification that enable them to ensure that their patients are well cared for. Make sure that the facility focuses on drug addiction and substance abuse.

If you’re someone who is struggling or if you know someone who needs help, then feel free to contact Pax House today. Take a look at their website for more information about their Los Angeles residential treatment facility.

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