What Opportunities Are Provided Through General Dentistry Services in Garden City, NY?

by | Feb 11, 2016 | Dentist

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New York residents should take steps to take control over their oral care. These steps begin with regular visits to their dentist. During these visits, the dentist creates a care plan for these residents that helps them manage these requirements. General Dentistry Services in Garden City NY, help them achieve these goals.

Evaluating the Patient’s Overall Dental Health

Annual examinations are the starting point for identifying conditions that could cause issues down the road. The dentist evaluates the patients’ overall dental health. They examine any damage that has occurred and devise strategies to remedy any adverse conditions discovered. During these exams, they also give the patient advice about strategies they could use at home.

Devising Strategies for Improving Oral Health

The dentist reviews updated strategies available for their patients. This could include treatments or products that could improve their overall oral health. They help the patient identify opportunities that could improve the condition of the teeth and gums. These strategies may also reduce their risk of developing a periodontal disease or suffer tooth loss.

Performing Repairs and Restorations

Patients need repairs after damage occurs. They should seek these repairs quickly to reduce the potential for further damage. The dentist reviews the damage to determine what opportunities are more helpful for the patient. They personalize dental care for the patient based on their dental records and family medical history.

Restorations are available for patients who have missing or severely damaged teeth. These strategies may include the installation of devices that repair or replace the teeth. The dentist determines what options are right based on what choices improve the smile. This could include veneers, implants, or removable appliances.

For patients with the most severe issues, the dentist may perform extractions first. If this is the case, the dentist may install an implant. However, patients may need bone grafts first.

New York residents need proper oral care to prevent the risk of tooth loss. These strategies could include examinations, restorations, and advanced treatment options. Patients that need to improve the look of their smile may need extraordinary measures such as implants. Patients who need general dentistry services in Garden City, NY should schedule an appointment today.

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