3 Reasons to Call a Tree Removal Service in Marietta, GA Today

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Tree Services

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Trees provide shade, oxygen, and add beauty to landscapes, but sometimes they need a little attention. Homeowners who have tree issues need professional help to address these problems before they get out of hand. Read on to learn more about when it’s a good idea to call a tree removal service in Marietta GA.

  1. Trees Are too Close to Electrical Lines

Trees planted too close to electrical lines create potential hazards such as power outages and fires. Trees with limbs 10 feet or closer to power lines need to have their limbs trimmed. A tree removal service has the tools and skills to do this safely.

  1. The Tree Is too Large to Remove Without Professional Help

Trees need removal for many reasons, disease and damage being the most common reasons. Homeowners who have trees in their yards that require removal shouldn’t attempt this task themselves. Large trees can cause personal injury or property damage.

Hiring professionals to remove large trees guarantees that the tree felling process goes off without a hitch. Often, homeowners think they know which way the tree will fall, but they don’t have the professional knowledge to make an accurate prediction. Tree removal services have a better handle on these situations.

  1. Homeowners Don’t Have the Right Equipment to Take Down Trees

Tree removal requires more equipment than a chainsaw and a rope. Equipment needed includes things like harnesses, cranes, and stump grinders. Some homeowners think they can rent these pieces of equipment and be good, but they don’t have the skill and knowledge to use the equipment that trained arborists do.

Put safety first and always hire a tree removal service in Marietta, GA.

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