4 of the Best Not-So-Urgent Reasons to Call an Emergency Plumber

by | Jul 1, 2019 | Plumbing

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Though there are plenty of online tutorials out there, they can’t replace the professionalism and service of a plumbing expert. If you have a major issue, it may be easy to tell if there’s a need for emergency plumbing services in Cape Coral, FL. However, if you’re unsure if your problem qualifies as an emergency, consult our checklist below.

Dripping Fixtures

The sound of a dripping faucet isn’t just annoying; it’s a literal drain on natural resources (and your wallet!). Most people don’t see it as a major issue, but those few drops add up with time. If you can’t fix a leaking faucet yourself, be sure to contact a plumber.

Clogged or Slow Drains

Does it take forever for the water to drain when you’re done with the dishes? A clogged or slow drain can be a real problem, and the last thing to do is to reach for a commercially available drain cleaner. These chemicals are caustic, and they can damage your plumbing system even further. Make a sensible decision and seek professional advice.

Pipe Leaks

Constant use, temperature swings and age will do a number on your plumbing pipes. If you’re noticing a decrease in water pressure or an increase in your utility bill, look for wet spots on the ceiling and the walls before calling for emergency plumbing services in Cape Coral FL.

An Always-On Toilet

A constantly running toilet is another problem that seems benign but really isn’t. If a toilet constantly runs, it may use up to 200 gallons of water per day. However, it’s an easy fix for a plumber.

There are numerous reasons to call for emergency plumbing services in Cape Coral FL. The best rule to follow is the following: Any pipe or fixture issue, no matter its size, is a legitimate reason to make the call.

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