A Visit to a Business Like Tint City Provides All of the Benefits of Tinting

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Business

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These days, the benefits of window tinting are plentiful. Whether it is for commercial property, homes, or auto tinting, the benefits can not only be in financial savings but also with comfort and health. The hot California sun can be countered with a visit to a business like Tint City to see a wide array of solutions.

With residential window treatments, homeowners can reap many benefits. These include the ability to match the tint to the facade of the home, as well as the ability to reduce not only window fading but the inherent fading of carpets, hardwood flooring, and even upholstery. Other benefits for homeowners includes the reduction of glare, and this can be especially important for homes that are on the water. Cutting back on the heat load being transferred through the windows is another reason homeowners want to tint their windows, not to mention the up to 50% savings they can see on their cooling costs.

Business owners can reap many benefits from tinting their windows. First and foremost, they can help keep employees and customers more comfortable by cutting back on the glare and hot spots. Another key benefit is the safety factor. With a thick film, windows can be held intact if they are broken, meaning that the danger of shattered or flying glass is mitigated. Logging onto a website like Tintcity.com offers more information on commercial tinting.

With automobiles, car owners can go to a business like Tint City and get instant benefits. The most important asset is safety, as glare can be cut down and having the sun directly in their eyes is not as hazardous. It also protects the upholstery and interior of the car and can reduce the heat by as much as 60% in summer months. The most important benefit of window tinting that transcends residential, commercial and automotive is that harmful ultraviolet rays can be reduced. These UV rays can be cut down by as much as 90%, and that can help protect people’s skin, but more importantly, it can reduce the risk of skin cancer. With nearly 20% of adults contracting skin cancer, the gains of window tinting are more important than ever.

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