Explore Money-Saving Ideas With a Residential Electrician in Council Bluffs

by | Feb 5, 2018 | Electrical

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As utility costs continue to go up, Council Bluffs homeowners are always looking for ways to cut their electricity bills. In most cases, there are relatively simple solutions that generate real savings. The first step in cutting costs is contacting a Residential Electrician in Council Bluffs to review the existing electrical system. Once that’s done, the contractor will provide innovative options that provide real monthly savings.

Start With the Service Panel

Older homes frequently had 100 amp (or even less) capacity with a handful of breakers to feed power to the entire home. As homeowners started using more appliances and electronic devices, those small systems quickly became inadequate. Today, systems with 200 amp or higher service panels are common. Dedicated breakers are provided for appliances, lighting, computers, and entertainment systems. That means computers and other devices are far less likely to be subjected to power fluctuations so frequently seen when multiple devices use the same circuit. A Residential Electrician in Council Bluffs will evaluate the system and suggest any needed upgrades to the panel.

Upgrading Systems and Devices to Reduce Consumption

Even though homeowners are using more devices, the national average consumption of electricity has been dropping in recent years. That’s a result of more efficient appliances and lighting, but there are always strategies for reducing the consumption of electricity more. The newest lighting options, for example, significantly reduce energy use while still providing the light homeowners and their families need. Even exterior lighting options have been upgraded to minimize power use. It’s important to discuss the various power-saving options available with a Council Bluffs electrician.

Monitoring Power Use

To save even more money, local electricians may recommend that homeowners evaluate their power use and look for ways to minimize their use of lights, appliances, and other devices to further reduce energy bills. Even though it’s been said many times, turning off lights and devices when they’re not in use will, as a rule, significantly reduce energy consumption. Computers and peripheral devices are some of the biggest vampire appliances in a home. If a device is not in use, shut it off.

For an evaluation of your electrical system and strategies to reduce consumption, contact Brase Electrical Contracting Corp. Start saving on your electric bills today and keep them to a minimum in the future.

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