How Can Dentures in Manassas Park Transform Your Smile?

by | Dec 1, 2014 | Dentistry

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Many people suffer with tooth loss and have a difficult time being able to eat properly. Often, these people end up being forced to eat a soft foods diet, missing out on many of the foods they love. Not only does missing teeth present functional problems, it can also cause you to have self-esteem issues. Fortunately, you can receive denture in Manassas Park. Dentures can help to replace your missing teeth and give you a complete smile.

To receive dentures, you will need to be examined by the dentist. The dentist will need to make sure your gums are healthy enough for dentures. If you have open sores, gum disease or oral cancer, dentures are not recommended.

The dentist will need to create custom impressions of your gums so dentures can be created. It is important the dentures fit securely in your mouth so they will not slide around and cause you any discomfort.

Dentures are created in dental labs, using the impressions made from your mouth. Many dental offices have dental labs in their office. This allows you to get your dentures on the very same day. You will come in the morning for your initial visit and come back later that day to get your dentures fitted.

To fit your dentures, the dentist will put them in place and make sure they are secure. Using a denture adhesive can help to prevent slippage and keep your gums comfortable. This is especially important when you are first getting used to wearing dentures.

It may take a few weeks for you to grow completely accustomed to your new dentures. With time, your gums will grow tougher and you will no longer feel discomfort. You can keep the discomfort away with over-the-counter pain medications and pain-relieving gels.

They will be happy to schedule you with a consultation appointment so you can learn if dentures will be right for you. With a new pair of dentures, you can overcome your embarrassment about your smile. This will also allow you to regain full function.

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