Use Mold Remediation in Clearwater FL Services To Clean Up Excessive Waters In Your House

by | Oct 21, 2014 | Mold Services

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Mold can be very damaging to a home. Mold can grow and quickly take over your home. If mold grows inside of the walls in your house, you could be facing not only a giant clean up project, but also a remodeling project as well. If you have a pipe burst or your house floods, it is important to clean it up correctly. What you need is the help of a mold remediation Bonita Springs team to clean up the mess.

If you have pipes in your house burst, you need to get started with the clean up right away. First, you want to open up the windows in your house to help vent out the moist air. You can use fans to get the moisture out of your house. You can remove pools of water with a wet/dry vacuum. You will also want to set up dehumidifiers throughout your house to remove the water. It is important that you clean up quickly, as mold can develop in as little as 48 hours. If you do not have the equipment or manpower that you need to clean up quickly, you need to call up a service company to help you clean up.

If a part of your house becomes flooded, you need to act immediately. Standing water is a great breeding ground for mold. You want to clean it up as fast as possible. You will want to remove all the water using a web/dry vacuum, mop and towels. You will also need to remove moisture through the air. You will need to use dehumidifiers as well as large fans to remove the water from the air.

Unwanted water from pipes bursting and your house flooding are not only a pain, they can be dangerous if they are not cleaned up right away. Water and excess moisture make a great breeding ground for mold; mold can quickly infiltrate your house in as little as forty-eight hours if not taken care of properly. If you do not have the right equipment to clean it up yourself, you need to contact a Mold Remediation in Clearwater FL service. Be sure to contact ServiceMaster 24 Hour a day for help with your mold problems.

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