What You Should Know about Speed Dating

by | Aug 19, 2014 | Gifts

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The majority of people have only gotten a glimpse of speed dating on TV or movies, where it is typically portrayed as a horrible experience. However, in reality it makes sense. While it may be easy to make a joke from the quick interaction with a weird person you will likely never see again – that also makes it quite exciting.

If you want to know what providence Speed Dating is really like, read on.

How Speed Dating Works

Speed dating will consist of an equal number of women and men who sit at a table with a piece of paper and name tag. You will meet someone and talk to that person for five minutes. After your conversation you will circle either yes or no for that person. If you both circle yes, then you will be given each other’s contact information via email.

Why it’s Fun

The fact is this is fun. You are able to make a snap judgment on someone and you will also get to meet a number of extremely interesting individuals who you may have never met otherwise. You never know who will be at these events so go in with a good attitude and have fun.

How is Speed Dating different from Online Dating?

When you are dating online you will pre-screen and over scrutinize the little things. For example, you may like a person’s profile but dislike their movie type preference. When you opt for speed dating it will give you the chance to meet others who are looking for a date; however, instead of learning everything that you can about that person you simply have a conversation and then determine if you two will get along. Speed dating allows you to have a small glimpse of whether or not you may enjoy another person’s company.

If you have never gone to a speed dating event it is worth a try. If you are nervous to go on your own, consider asking a single friend to come along with you. This will make it much less intimidating and more fun since you will be able to compare what you thought after the event is over. You should not just rule out speed dating because you do not think that you will like it; instead you should give it a try and see what you really think about the experience.

If you are interested in providence Speed Dating, visit the Lunch Dates Professional Matchmaking website to find an event near you.

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