Teasing Your Hair into a Helmet Isn’t Funny, Go For a New Look and Visit a Hair Salon El Dorado Hills

by | Nov 27, 2013 | Salons and Spas

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If you can go out in a tornado and your hair still looks good for the cameras, you have helmet hair. If you can push on one side of your hair, and the whole thing shifts, it’s helmet hair. Your mother’s generation used to go to the salon once a week “to get their hair done”, meaning it was permed or fried, teased with a rat tailed comb into a rats nest, sculpted into a dome and sprayed with enough hair lacquer to coat the end table you stripped and sanded last week. Each treatment came with the latest gossip in town.

Today’s Hair Salon El Dorado Hills are nothing like that, and neither are the hair styles they create. Gone are the days of helmet hair; in are individual styles. Modern salons and spas design cuts that are unique to each patron. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with your hair. If you are still styling your hair like you did in high school and you graduated 20 years ago, it’s time for a change. If you are still styling it the way you did 5 years ago, or even last year, it’s time for a change. A new hair style can change the image you present to the world, and how you feel about yourself. It can give you more confidence. A trip to Hoshall’s Salon and Spa might be exactly what you need.

The first step towards the new you, is to call the salon and make an appointment. Look on-line at Hoshallsfolsom.com. As an innovative hair salon in California, they will meet with their clients and create styles that match each persons lifestyle. Look in magazines, pay attention on television to the styles you like, get an idea. Today’s stylist continually educates themselves to stay current with trending styles, hair care products and treatments, and most offer color options.

If you or your mother are still sporting helmet hair or hair scrunchy, it’s time to throw out the industrial sized can of hair lacquer, brush out that teased up mess and make an appointment for change. Call the Hair Salon El Dorado Hills to make your appointment with the new you. Go ahead, take off the helmet and run your fingers through your hair, you are going to like it.


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