When Should Your Child Visit a Pediatric Dentist in Richmond, VA

by | Apr 22, 2014 | Dentist

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There are a number of new parents that wonder when their child should first visit the dentist. The basic answer to this question is that a child has their first visit to a pediatric dentist in Richmond VA by their first birthday. While this may be surprising to many patients, it can help prevent small children from developing cavities at a young age.

In order to help prevent your child from developing cavities, parents need to find out how susceptible their child is to their development. They also need to learn key factors such as how to manage their child’s diet, proper oral hygiene and the use of fluoride to prevent serious dental issues.

However, cavities are not the only thing that a pediatric dentist in Richmond VA will look for during a child’s first visit to the dentist. Some other topics that are discussed with parents include:

* The proper way to care for a toddlers or infants mouth

* The proper use of fluoride

* Bad oral habits that could lead to issues (thumb sucking and pacifier use)

* Milestones for teething and tooth development

* The link between oral health and diet

After the initial visit, the dentist will give the parent’s a schedule for follow up appointments. The typical amount of time in between visits is six months; however, this may be altered depending on a child’s specific risks and needs. As your child continues to grow, the dental team will be able to help parents lean the proper way to prevent issues with their child’s oral health.

Finding a Dentist for Your Child

It is important to consider the dentist that you use for your children carefully. Some questions and things to consider when searching for this person include:

* Call the office and ask about when children should first see a dentist and find one with the proper recommendations.

* Seek a dentist that specializes in the actual care of younger children.

* Meet with the dentist if you are unsure prior to taking your child.

With this information you can feel confident that your child’s oral health will be maintained, preventing serious issues down the road.

For more information, visit Virginia Family Dentistry.

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