3 Benefits of Using Spray Foam Insulation in California

by | Apr 29, 2020 | Construction Company

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Spray foam insulation is an excellent option for brand new or existing homes. You can also choose from two different types of spray foam insulation. Open-cell is a cheaper option that is better at limiting noise while the closed-cell is denser, and it works best at keeping air fir and water from entering your home.

Here are a few more reasons why you should consider spray foam insulation.

1 Improve Energy Efficiency

One of the top benefits of using spray foam insulation is that it can save you a lot of money each month on your energy bills. These savings can quickly add up over time, which makes spray foam insulation a fantastic investment for homeowners.

2 Reduce Outside Noise

One of the best ways to minimize outside noise is to use spray foam insulation in your home. Keeping outside noise to a minimum is a great way to create a more relaxing and quieter environment inside your house without having to deal with constant interruptions.

3 Less Pollen

Dealing with pollen every spring is always annoying and can create a big mess inside your home. However, spray foam insulation can dramatically reduce the amount of pollen getting through your walls, which creates a much healthier environment inside your home for you and your family.

Hansen Cold Storage Construction is a company that offers spray foam insulation in California. Providing high-quality services at an affordable price is always our top priority!

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