A Pet Clinic in Clifton, VA Helps After the Consumption of Poisonous Foods

by | Jun 1, 2018 | Animal Hospital

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While some pet owners are vigilant about feeding their fur babies only pet food, others like to experiment with human food. However, some human foods are toxic to dogs, cats, and other animals. Scheduling appointments with Business Name can help pet parents reduce the risk of harm from such substances.

Learn What’s Safe

Visiting a pet clinic in Clifton VA may encourage people to feed their fur babies only food that is approved for pets, but they can also ask the vets about which human foods are completely off-limits for dogs, cats, and other beloved animals. For example, they may learn that it is okay to prepare certain types of boneless chicken for their dogs but that grapes are extremely toxic to canines. Instead of searching on the internet for a questionable list, pet parents can procure a credible list directly from their vets.

Call Immediately for Emergencies

In the event that pets consume toxic products, owners should not casually schedule an appointment for the next day. Instead, they should immediately call the pet clinic in Clifton VA, explain what happened, and ask if they can see a vet as soon as possible. Having emergency numbers for 24-7 vet practices is also important in the event that an incident occurs after normal business hours. Getting pets to the vet immediately could make the difference between life and death.

Know What to Expect

When pets eat toxic substances, vets may need to induce vomiting. One method for doing so involves drops that are administered through the eyes that almost immediately cause the pets to vomit. After expelling the substances, the pets may need to be hydrated, as vomiting can lead to dehydration. Owners should ask vets what to look for in the upcoming hours and days. In some cases, vets may require that the pets stay at the facility for a few hours, overnight, or several days for monitoring.

The thought of a beloved pet consuming a toxic substance is extremely frightening. Pet parents can take precautions by knowing what foods to avoid, by acting immediately in the event of an incident, and by following the vet’s instructions. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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