Are Botox and Fillers Right for You?

by | Sep 19, 2017 | Plastic Surgery

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Many women struggle with their appearance on a daily basis, especially as they age and the skin on the face becomes less firm. As wrinkles form and hollows under the eyes make women look older, they often turn to doctors to help them feel more comfortable with how they look. If you have been thinking about looking into Botox and fillers to improve your appearance, you may be wondering if this is the best path for you to take.

All about Botox

Botox is used when there are a lot of wrinkles or lines on the face, and the patient wishes to have the skin relaxed so that they are not so obvious. This is a quick procedure with no lasting effects that will cause the patient to limit daily activities. Although a little swelling or bruising is common where the Botox was injected, this will disappear quickly. The treatment is great for diminishing the appearance of lines or wrinkles for a short period of time, but should not be used by patients who have had muscle or nerve problems in the past.

All About Fillers

One of the natural effects of aging is that your skin loses collagen and elastin, and it will look thinner, saggier, and won’t be able to heal itself as efficiently. Filling wrinkles on the face with a dermal filler will smooth the areas where it is injected and add a bit of volume, making patients look younger and more awake. There is only a small amount of discomfort and swelling, and the effects can last up to a year and a half. Patients looking for a more youthful face or one with more volume should consider this treatment.

Botox and fillers can sometimes be used together to decrease lines around the eyes while filling in thin areas of the face and lips. Working with a skilled doctor is the best way to ensure that you get the look you want.

If you struggle with your appearance and are interested in how Botox and fillers can help you feel more comfortable in your skin, contact Nuface Laser and Vein Center to make an appointment and learn about how these treatments can make you look younger and feel great. You can follow them on Google+ for more information.

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