Auto Accident Tips: Questions You Need to Ask Your Lawyer Before Hiring

by | Mar 23, 2021 | Law

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You’ve been in a car accident and are thinking of finding an auto accident lawyer in Austin, TX, to help you out. If you plan to hire someone, you should consider the following questions.

Do I Have a Case?

First, you need to find out if you have a case. A good lawyer is going to look over your case and tell you if you have a good chance of winning or not. Going to court is a costly affair. You need to know if it’s wise to take that next step.

How Long Has the Lawyer Worked on Similar Cases?

You want to hire an experienced auto accident lawyer in Austin, TX. Any old lawyer could represent you, but you want someone who understands what you’re going through specifically. Look for a lawyer that is well versed in these types of cases.

How Will the Lawyer Get Paid?

Be sure to ask your lawyer how he or she will get paid. Each lawyer gets paid differently. Some ask for an hourly rate, while others only receive a percentage of your winnings. On top of that, you need to find out if your lawyer is going to charge additional fees. Ask about this before you receive a bill you weren’t expecting.

The Law Office Of Jesse Hernandez can help you get justice if you give them a chance to review your case, and if you’re ready for that step, then go ahead and visit to make your appointment.

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