Common Questions About PERA Disability In MN

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Law

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Public sector employees in MN pay into the PERA or Public Employees Retirement Association plan of their choice. Employees make contributions with each paycheck, and the employer matches, allowing for the development of funds for retirement benefits as well as disability benefits. Employees considered full-time or part-time, which is determined by reaching a minimum annual income, are automatically enrolled in the plan.
Disability Considerations

Employees who are injured on the job have the ability to file for disability benefits through the plan. There are several different plans available, so the disability requirements vary.

However, in order to make the claim and have it approved, the disability must have been present for at least a year, or there must be medical records provided by qualified medical professionals to state that the disability will last for at least a year. In addition, and under the MN statute, the claim must be completed and received within 18 months of the individual being terminated from the public sector position.

It is important to note that the disability benefits through PERA do not begin immediately when the individual is injured. Instead, they only begin when all salary payments or any vacation or sick time is used.

What to Know

When filing for PERA MN disability, the employee is required to sign a form that allows the plan to have access to all medical records and any health care reports from any source. These reports must state by the medical professional that the applicant is disabled and will continue to be disabled for a period of at least a year.

Unfortunately, many doctors, chiropractors, or mental health professionals may not use this language or provide specific details to support the disability claim. If this happens, the report may not be used for the disability evaluation, which may result in a denial of the application.

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