Finding the Best Eclipse Glasses

by | Aug 30, 2019 | Shopping

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The next total solar eclipse affecting the US happens in the year 2024. When you think about it, this date is not far off. In fact, the eclipse of 2017 caught many people in North America by surprise even though there was plenty of notice online. To make sure the eclipse does not sneak up on you, consider ordering the best eclipse glasses far ahead of time. But how can you find safe viewers? Here are some tips to help you.

Why Approved Viewers?

ISO certified glasses have passed all the important tests for safety and quality. You can depend on the International Organization of Standards. They can be trusted and hold all certified companies to very high standards of quality.

Testing Procedures

Most eclipse viewers are tested to see if they perform well. However, if a company does its own testing, they may be biased with the results. They have their own interests to serve. This is why the best eclipse glasses are tested by independent laboratories. Independent results can be trusted.


You do not need eclipse viewers if you use number 14 or higher welder’s glasses. However, they can be bulky, and not everyone can use them, especially small children. You may also use approved telescope or camera filters. They work well for people who wish to view eclipses closely or take pictures of the event.

You can make a pinhole projector, but it takes time, and they are not as easy to use as the best eclipse glasses. High quality glasses are attractive and easy to wear. They are cost-effective, which means you can buy them in large quantities and have them customized too. When you buy your viewers, make sure to choose a trusted company with many years of experience, and be sure they offer safety approved viewers.

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