Greenville, North Carolina Apartments for Rent Near University

by | Nov 22, 2022 | Student Housing Center

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Apartment Rental Options Near Eastern Carolina University

As one of the largest public universities on the coast of NC, Eastern Carolina University offers great housing choices for students and faculty members. You can easily rent furnished apartments in Greenville, NC, at relatively low prices. The main campus of ECU is surrounded by lots of urban properties that are available for rent at the latest market rates. You can negotiate the monthly rates on the rentals with the property management. If you find newly furnished apartments in Greenville, NC, ask about any move-in specials that are available for local university students. Additionally, your ECU enrollment will help you save on other living expenses at off-campus properties.

Modern Facilities at ECU Off-Campus Homes

When leasing furnished apartments in Greenville, NC, you will have lots of upscale amenities at your doorstep. For instance, some communities have central courtyards with large swimming pools and other great outdoor facilities. The pool area should be fully illuminated for your enjoyment in the evenings and at night. Some properties even have outdoor basketball courts and tennis courts with locks for privacy and security. Likewise, you can work out at the access-controlled gym near your apartment. Complimentary towels might be available inside the fitness center at your residence. You should also ask for information on hosting private events inside the lounges and conference rooms in the community.

Get in touch with the First Street Place property manager at for additional details on furnished apartments in Greenville, North Carolina.

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