How Recycling in Long Island NY Makes a Real Difference

by | Jul 5, 2019 | Recycling

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Most everyone knows they should be Recycling in Long Island, NY, but few people can tell you why it’s so very important. Following is a list of reasons why every citizen and business owner in the state really should be recycling.


Nearly 260 million tons of solid waste annually is generated in the US alone. This includes packaging from products, old clothing, drink bottles, scraps of food not consumed, car and electronics batteries, and old furniture. Currently, close to 35% of waste is recycled, some will be burned for energy and the rest, unfortunately, winds up in the country’s ever-shrinking landfills. By recycling, New Yorkers can increase the amount of waste that is re-purposed and decrease the amount in landfills.


You’ve probably heard the saying; there’s no need to re-invent the wheel. This is the heart of recycling. It takes less energy to reinvent from recycled materials than it does from new. For example, aluminum cans made for sodas use up 95% less energy when used from recycled cans than from bauxite ore, the raw resource used in aluminum. Natural resources such as land, plants, minerals, and water can be saved as well. For example, paper Recycling in Long Island, NY will save trees and water. Making large amounts of paper from recycled materials can save upwards to 20 trees and use 50% less water.


It’s always a good thing when new jobs can be created out of a positive initiative. According to a recent study, “More Jobs, Less Pollution”, if America were to achieve a 75% recycling rate, 2.3 million jobs would be created by 2030. While it can certainly be said jobs exist in the landfills and incinerator fields, it’s worth noting that recycling and reuse industries create 30 times more jobs than that of the landfills and incinerators.

Don’t let anyone tell you that recycling doesn’t make a difference, as it affects several different industries and areas. For more information on how you can help in the local Long Island area, contact V. Garofalo Carting Inc.

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