How To Choose A Therapist For Biofeedback

by | Dec 8, 2022 | Psychologist

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If you live in New York City and are interested in learning how to control your body to reduce stress, increase performance, boost cognitive ability, and reduce the sensations of pain in the body that may be limiting your ability to live life to the fullest.

One highly effective option is the use of biofeedback. This is a very natural process that uses sophisticated electronic devices to monitor and display various measurable physiological responses in the body. This can include changes in heart rate, breathing, and other body systems controlled by responses to various environmental stimuli.

With training, the individual can learn to recognize these small changes in the body and take control, helping to maintain a state of relaxation and the ability to respond more effectively and accurately. The result in better performance, both physically and mentally, and less anxiety and stress.

The Best Therapists for Biofeedback

Take the time to review the various professionals in New York City offering services that use biofeedback in their practice. Make sure they are licensed and have experience in helping individuals with similar goals.

It is also important to choose a therapist who provides answers to your questions in clear and concise terms. They should be able to describe the process, explain the theory and the science, and help you to understand why it is a recommended option for your specific goals.

Different therapists also offer various additional services that can amplify the results obtained in the sessions. These additional services can be instrumental in helping you to see the changes you desire.

Dr. Leah Lagos is an experienced clinical health, sport, and performance psychologist offering HRV biofeedback services in New York City. To learn more, visit the websites at

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