Important Financial Considerations for Off-Campus Student Apartments

by | Apr 4, 2022 | Student Accommodation Centrer

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There are many reasons to choose off-campus student apartments instead of on-campus housing, but the primary reason is often to save money. The cost of living on campus is usually significantly more money. There are a couple of things you should know about securing an off-campus apartment to avoid common mistakes.

Establishing a Budget

Though it might sound obvious to some people, establishing a budget is not always something students do before moving into off-campus housing. You should know your expenses, even if your parents pay all or part of your rent. Though student apartments in Clemson, SC, are more affordable than on-campus housing, you must still account for other expenses like food, utilities, internet, cell phone, and transportation. Establishing a budget can eliminate unnecessary stress down the road.

Understanding Seasonal Costs

Student apartments in Clemson, SC, will usually require you to pay for utilities, which is a bill that will fluctuate throughout the year. Colder temperatures in South Carolina during the winter months will lead to a higher cost for heating. You should add an estimated amount to your budget to avoid not having enough money when the electricity bill arrives. The same applies to the summer months if you keep the apartment throughout the year. It’s common to run the air conditioner when temperatures rise, which also causes the electricity bill to go up. A little planning can go a long way and help you avoid financial struggles.

Contact Cottages of Clemson at for details about student apartments in Clemson, SC.

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