Improve your Grass with Lawn Aeration in Spokane

by | Jan 17, 2020 | Home and Garden

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There are many different ways of improving your lawn with new technologies constantly being introduced into the sector. For many homeowners, the chance to allow air to move through a compacted lawn is one of the most important ways of encouraging faster-growing and healthier grass to grow at your property. Lawn aeration is not a new way of encouraging your grass to grow more healthily but it remains a popular option for those who are looking to create a stunning lawn for their property.

What is Lawn Aeration?

Lawn aeration in Spokane is not a new form of technology but it is a proven one that can have positive effects on your property. In lawn aeration, machines are used to allow air to move through the grass into any areas that may have become compacted. The ability of air and water to move easily through the lawn makes this a simple way of encouraging faster and healthier growth. There are other advantages to lawn aeration in Spokane including the ability of worms and microflora and fauna to move through the grass and complete their fertilizing work with ease.

Puddling and Water Damage are Reduced

Contact us today to learn more about how lawn aeration can help your grass remain healthier by reducing the puddles and flooding that affected many properties. When you complete lawn aeration you will be shocked by the improved resilience of your grass as it is better at resisting damage. Contact us today at Spokane Pro Care through us to learn more about lawn aeration.

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