Physical Therapy at a Rehabilitation Facility in Philadelphia PA After Total Knee Replacement

by | Jun 8, 2017 | Physical Therapy

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After a total knee replacement, regular physical therapy sessions at a Rehabilitation Facility in Philadelphia PA help the patient regain function more swiftly. In fact, surgeons consider physical therapy to be a crucial part of the recovery process. Without these sessions and adherence to the customized program the therapist develops for home use, it can take significantly longer for the person to be able to drive, return to work and engage in favorite activities.

A physical therapist at a Rehabilitation Facility in Philadelphia PA creates a personalized exercise regimen for each client that is intended to boost:

* Function

* Flexibility

* Mobility

* Range Of Motion

* Endurance

* Balance

The patient also should find that doing the exercises every day decreases pain. That should provide extra motivation to keep practicing.

In addition to exercises, therapists at a facility such as Weinerman Pain & Wellness may advise clients to use a combination of heat and ice on the knee to reduce swelling and pain. At the clinic, transcutaneous electrical stimulation may be applied to the knee, which can have similar effects. Deep-heat ultrasound boosts circulation and helps speed healing.

Following the regimen as directed is essential. The knee will gradually become easier to use as the person exercises it every day, slowly increasing the amount of time spent on the activities and the level of difficulty as new ones are added. Physical therapist assistants generally help patients learn and complete the exercises at the sessions. The therapist continues to meet with the patients to evaluate progress and adjust the program as advisable.

As progress continues, the therapist asks the patient to put more weight on the knee when walking with a crutch, cane or walker. The goal is to be able to walk without this type of adaptive equipment and to be fully mobile. The individual must practice exercises that will allow for walking up and down stairs again. Certain vigorous activities may be problematic with a replacement knee, but the person should be able to return to mild and moderate forms of exercise and regain quality of life. Visit the website to learn more about this particular facility.

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