The Benefits of Hiring an Alabama Social Security Disability Lawyer

by | Aug 31, 2021 | Law

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If you have been denied benefits by the Social Security Administration, it might be time for you to hire a disability lawyer. A disability lawyer will help make sure your rights are protected if you were denied SSDI. This blog post will list the benefits of hiring an Alabama Social Security disability lawyer for your case!

Lawyers Can Help Navigate the Appeals Process
The appeals process can be complicated and difficult to understand, which is why you want a disability lawyer with experience in the appeals process. An attorney will guide you through every step of the appeals process so that they know what documents and evidence you need, and how to present your case in the best way possible.

Lawyers Can Help You Avoid Having to Show Documentation
Social Security’s approval rate for disability claims was more than 60% at the beginning of 2015, which means over 40% of applications failed. The lawyers from Social Security Advocates will help you prove your case using their expertise and knowledge of the law so that you don’t have to provide a bunch of unnecessary documentation. An attorney knows what paperwork is crucial to your case so that you don’t have to waste time gathering documents.

Lawyers Know What Your Medical Records Have to Reveal
Medical records are very important when it comes to disability claims. The lawyers from Social Security Advocates will know exactly which part of your medical record proves that you can’t work, and how your condition will affect you in the future. Your lawyer knows how to read your medical records so that they can gather evidence for your case, and make sure that everything has been properly documented. If you’re searching for an Alabama Social Security disability lawyer visit Lemoine Law Firm now.

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