Things That You Can Do to Stay Safe as a Home Health Care Worker

by | Oct 9, 2019 | Health and Fitness

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Being a home health care worker can be a rewarding experience. You get the satisfaction that comes along with helping people. Your home health agency in Philadelphia, PA, will also pay you a nice salary and provide you with other benefits. However, there are some things to be mindful of as a home health care worker. It is important to take all of the necessary precautions to ensure your own health and safety so that you can better serve others.

Avoid Overexerting Yourself

Most injuries are caused by overexertion. It’s possible to push your body too hard while you are lifting or moving a patient. If you have someone working with you, then you should get them to help you when lifting anything heavy. You should get in the habit of practicing good body mechanics if you are working by yourself.

It is also a good idea to use transfer and assistive devices. Additionally, you should work at a reasonable pace. You are more likely to get injured if you are rushing.

Follow Workplace Protocol

Every home health agency in Philadelphia, PA, has a list of safety guidelines. You should familiarize yourself with these guidelines and follow them. Make sure to take advantage of any safety training offered at your place of work.

Trust Your Instincts

You never know what you may encounter as a home health care worker. One of the keys to staying safe is to trust your gut instincts. If you will be going to a high-crime area, then you should call your supervisor and the client before you head out. You should never go anywhere that makes you feel unsafe.

Park in a Well-Lit Area

Many people are attacked while they are walking to their car. You can make yourself less of a target if you park in a well-lit area. You should also park away from shrubs and large trees.

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