Varicose Vein Treatment Options Available in Schaumburg, Illinois

by | Jan 10, 2020 | Health

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Varicose veins are the bulged, twisted, raised veins in your legs that have a rope-like appearance. They are caused by high blood pressure in the veins that causes them to weaken and bulge. They can cause a variety of problems including pain, numbness, tingling, burning and aching in your legs. Varicose veins can even contribute to fatigue, swelling and sleep-related issues. Left untreated, varicose veins can lead to ulcers and blood clots that can spread to your lungs and become fatal. Continue reading to learn more about varicose vein treatment Schaumburg IL.

Radiofrequency Ablation

The VENCLOSE Radiofrequency Ablation Procedure is a heat-based treatment option. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that involves your doctor inserting a small catheter into the vein. The catheter delivers heat to shrink and close the vein and your blood flow will naturally reroute to other veins.

Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation

ClosureFast is a radiofrequency thermal ablation treatment that sends controlled heat in 20-second bursts into the diseased vein which causes the vein walls to collapse and seal. Once the vein is closed, your blood flow is redirected to your healthy veins. Local anesthesia is used during this procedure, which usually takes between 45 minutes and an hour.

VenaSeal Treatment

The VenaSeal treatment method is a catheter-based treatment method so your doctor will probably use local anesthetics to numb the area before the catheter is inserted. The catheter is threaded into your affected vein and small amounts of medical adhesive are sent into the vein to seal it.

Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments involve chemicals being injected into the veins to shrink and close the veins. The treatment takes between half an hour to an hour depending on the chemical used. After the treatment, your doctor may order you to wear compression socks for a certain amount of time.

Contact for More Information

Skypoint Vein Center uses the latest technologies to treat varicose veins. For more information on varicose vein treatment Schaumburg IL visit our website today.

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