What Can A Patient Expect from Facial Plastic Surgery in Sarasota FL?

by | Dec 27, 2019 | Plastic Surgery

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Facial plastic surgery describes a variety of procedures. They are often done to improve the proportions of the patient’s facial features or to give them a more youthful appearance.

What Are Mentoplasty and Otoplasty?

Mentoplasty is surgery done to correct a receding chin and make it more proportionate with the rest of the face. It can also help make jowls appear less prominent and make the nose look smaller. The surgeon will use implants to augment the patient’s chin.

Otoplasty describes Ear Surgery in Sarasota FL. It is often done to make protruding ears lie closer to the head. Otoplasty can also change the size and shape of the ears so they appear more proportionate and symmetrical. The exact procedure will vary depending on what the patient needs.

What Is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is also known as the eyelid lift. It can be done on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. The surgeon will remove sagging skin and excess fat. If the surgeon is working on both sets of eyelids, they will usually do the upper eyelids first.

Are There Any Non-Surgical Procedures Available?

Yes. Non-invasive procedures include Botox injections, dermal fillers, and chemical or TCA peels. In the last treatment, the doctor will apply a chemical to the patient’s face and exfoliate the uppermost layers of the skin to reduce blemishes like wrinkles and discoloration.

Available dermal fillers include Juvederm, Voluma, and Restylane. They can fill in wrinkles, augment lips, or add volume to the cheeks.

Contact us or visit to learn more about ear surgery in Sarasota FL.

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