What Can People Expect During a Stress Test?

by | Aug 21, 2015 | Medical Center

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A Stress Test is carried out to measure the amount of stress a person’s heart can endure before it begins to experience problems functioning. This test is most often carried out to discover the level of risk a person has for having a heart attack. Knowing what to expect from this test will allow a person to be prepared for their test so they will not be nervous or concerned. After the test has been carried out, the results will be evaluated by a cardiologist and sent to the doctor who ordered the test.

When a person goes in for a Stress Test, they will first need to be prepared for the procedure. The nurse, doctor, or medical staff member will first attach electrodes to the chest, arms and legs. The electrodes are attached to sticky pads so they will stay in place during the test. If the area an electrode needs to be placed in is overly hairy, it may need to be shaved so the electrode can make a connection with the skin.

These electrodes are crucial for measuring how hard the heart is working and whether or not it is beating normally. The electrodes will be attached by wires to an electrocardiogram. This special machine shows how fast the heart is beating and shows the rhythm. The electrocardiogram also measures the strength and frequency of the electric signals as they pass through the heart.

Once all of the wires are connected to the electrocardiogram, the nurse or doctor will place a blood pressure cuff on the patient’s arm. The patient then begins to exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill. The conductor of the test will have the patient start off slowly and increase the intensity until enough information has been garnered from the testing.

These tests can also be performed through medication to mimic exercise for those who are not psychically able to participate in a traditional test. Through the North American Emergency Medical Center, these tests can be carried out to measure how well the heart is functioning to determine if there are any additional tests that need to be carried out.

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