What Protection for Your Home, Purchase Some Fire Extinguishers

by | Jun 4, 2018 | Security

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Fire can happen anywhere, but when homeowners are faced with them, it can be detrimental. Protection for your home comes from a variety of sources, such as smoke detectors and escape ladders. However, those are designed to get you out of the house and away from danger while your house burns down. If caught early enough, the flames can be put out by fire extinguishers, which means less damage to your home and the ability to continue living there.

How Many You Need

Most people recommend that you have fire extinguishers in the kitchen and one on each floor. You may also want to keep them near boilers or water heaters, as well. Wherever a fire could erupt, you should have one nearby that can quickly be grabbed and used.

Control Fires

The goal of the extinguisher is to keep the fire under control. Smaller fires can quickly be put out altogether. However, if the fire is extensive, you can control it until emergency services arrive. You reduce the risk of injury, death, and damage when you can control the flames or put them out entirely. Putting out small fires ensures that they don’t grow into huge infernos.

Save Lives

An extinguisher used correctly can save your life and that of your family. Statistics show that over 10,000 fires happen in the United States each year and of those, more than 2,000 results in death. You can help to lower those stats and protect your family when you install and learn how to use an extinguisher.

Air Pollution

Smoke from fires gets into the air and can cause respiratory issues, even if you’re not involved directly in the fire. If you extinguish it early on, you reduce those issues.

If you require protection for your home against flames, you need to consider purchasing fire extinguishers for home. Visit First Alert to learn more about their products.

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